As a student, I know my responsibilities. Homework needs to be done and tests cannot go unprepared for. Though when the question was asked, "what is your duty as a student?", my definition of 'responsibility' took on a new meaning. What IS my duty as a student? And at that, who do I owe this "duty" to?
I found the different responses from mt class mates to be intriguing. Some of the members found that their duties lie in the expectations of their parents, and even their grandparents. I know that I can relate to this feeling of pressure and expectation, but only to a certain extent. I think more about the idea of duty being owed not only to myself, but to my dreams and inspirations as well.
At the start of my high school career, my parents made sure that I was well aware that my education laid entirely in my hands. I was expected to share the cost of my high school tuition and I always knew that if I wanted to continue my education at a higher learning facility, it would require my full financial support. Throughout my high school years, I labeled my parents as unfair for making me pay for such a high cost for this part of my life. Though it is clear to me now that his expectation did not stem from any sort of financial deficit for them personally, but it was solely based on the hope that someday I will come to appreciate my education as much as they appreciated theirs.
Knowing that these four years will be exactly what I make of them creates pressure to fulfill my 'duty as a student' to the best of my ability. The money going into my education is hard earned and something that is not going to waste. I have an immense appreciation for my parents will to help me understand the value of my education. It is the duty and responsibility that I owe myself to make the most out of my college experience. In order to get out what I am putting in, I must never lose sight of the bigger picture.
That's really cool that you feel this way! I respect you so much for that!